2012 South Dakota Prairie Dog Hunting Season

2012 South Dakota Prairie Dog Hunting Season

July 3, 2012 by

Prairie dog season started May 13th this year with a group that has been flying in from Illinois for years. The pups were out in force and the weather and shooting was great for the rest of the month. May ended with another repeat group from Pennsylvania going home saying it was some of the best shooting they ever had.

June started like May ended, with return guest from the South Carolina and New York area having having some "all day shooting".

Mid June we welcomed the guys from Hendershot's Sporting Goods from Hagerstown MD. They always bring some great guns and great people. Along with gear from Cooper, Dakota Arms, Zeiss, Nightforce and Sworovski they also had a representative from HS Precision to showcase some of their great firearms.

Buffalo Butte's shooting range offers targets of 100 yd, 200yd, 300 yd a new shooting platform for 1000yd.  The 1000yd target is a 12" X 12" steal plate, a dot to the naked eye, but was no match to Josh from HS Precision and his .338 Lapua.  Once dialed in the plate was smacked by everyone who shot.  Hendershot's reserves the facilities for the full week and we always look forward to seeing them each year.

The rest of June brought more shooters from all over the country and hotter weather but good shooting.  After a little break over the 4th of July we welcome Zeiss and HAVA (Honored American Vets Afield). Always humbled and happy to give back a little to some vets that have given so much.

South Dakota Prairie dog hunting has become wildly popular and continues to grow. We take a limited number of guest for a limited time to try and insure the best possible hunt for all.  Thanks to everyone who hunted with us or contacted us.

Posted In: Prairie Dog Hunting

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