2015 Spring Planting

May 13, 2015 by Dillon Springer
Each fall the hunters arrive to hunt our plentiful pheasant population while pushing strips of milo and corn. One would think that the preparation for these hunting groups would consist of stocking the pantry, mowing the lawns, cleaning the lodge, etc. But the actual real prepping for the hunting groups takes place in the spring. After the winter has come and gone, leaving only brown, dead, and barren fields in its wake, we must break out all the equipment from the machinery sheds and put them to work in the fields. It’s planting season!
The first step is to clear all of the debris from the previous year’s crops that get left behind. This is done by either discing it back into the soil and let it break down organically or cutting it down and baling it up to remove it. Sometimes if the conditions are right we will burn some of the thicker strips down. The second step we did this year was to apply fertilizer in a granular form to all of the areas where it was needed. Once all of the fields have been prepped and the weather is warm enough (need consistently warm soil temps before the seed will germinate) the actual planting may begin. The first crop to go in is the corn. It is important to make sure that the planter is working properly and that the soil conditions are right, because at $300 per bag of seed there are no re-do’s. We started planting corn on April 30th and were able to wrap it up in just 4 days. The next crop will be the soybeans and then followed closely behind will be all of the milo strips.
If all goes to plan and we keep the weeds sprayed and held off, we will have another great crop of cover strips for our hunters to enjoy in the fall. Being a farmer and hunting lodge owner/operator is all about patience and delayed gratification. The hard work we put in now is only realized 3 months later when our clients start flushing pheasants out of the fields. The pride that is derived from all the labor is worth every droplet of sweat dropped and hours of sleep lost due to the passion that we call “farming.” And we are all very thankful to be able to share our passion with all who hunt with us.
Dillon Springer
Posted In: Lodge/Farm News