Long Range Precision Shooting Course & Rifle Range
Bring your custom rifle and put it to the test at our private precision rifle course.
Come test your skills and gear at Buffalo Butte’s newest addition to our long range shooting range! A precision rifle course located at the scenic Buffalo Butte Ranch’s hilly and rocky terrain. Shooters will be able to engage targets from 200 yards out to 1350 yards from various natural and man-made positions that is designed to be both fun and challenging!
Buffalo Butte Ranch's long range shooting facility is located in Gregory County, South Dakota and on the property and not far from the Buffalo Butte Lodge.

About The Range
The popularity of the long range precision shooting matches and courses has risen sharply over the last few years and with that the demand to be able to enjoy these matches and courses has gone up as well. Matches typically fill up and sell out fast and can be daunting to shooters new to the sport. This is why we have decided to set up our private shooting range on private land that you can shoot and practice on with your friends and not have to worry about the big crowds that can come with the larger matches.
Whether you are new to the sport and want to try it out or an experienced shooter who wants to hone your skills, our shooting range has what you are looking for. Our focus for this shooting range is on fun and nothing is more fun than pulling the trigger! So our shooting range is designed to maximize your trigger time and less about classrooms or coaching.
Match Schedule
2025 Update!
The Buffalo Butte Ranch Precision Rifle Challenge will be Saturday, April 5th 2025
The course will consist of 10 stages with ranges from 200 to 1200 yards.
Round count for this course will be 100-120 rounds.
Zero Range will be available from 7:30-8:30. Rules and safety briefing will be 8:30 and shooting starts at 9:00.
$125 entry fee. A meal after the shoot will be provided as well as water at the stages.
In the event that winter lingers longer that normal an alternative date will be given for July.
*course will be available to be utilized beyond the competition date and will remain set up until farming dictates removal of targets
Private Shooting Range
Rates and Package
For those that want to extend their time spent on the range we have set up a shoot and stay package. This will take place primarily over the weekend that the match is scheduled for. As a shooter you can arrive Friday and sight in your rifles. A couple mock stages will be set as you won't be able to shoot the course stages until the Saturday match and we can go over stage flow and give instruction if needed. On Saturday you would shoot the match alongside all of the other competitors and then stay at the Buffalo Butte Lodge afterward. On Sunday you will be able to shoot the course and work on any stages that you wanted more time on. The entire complex would be open to all who books this package. Departure would be Monday morning after breakfast unless you choose to extend your trip by 1 day and then departure would be Tuesday.
Our Long Range Precision Course Package Includes:
- 2 Day/3 Night Lodging at Buffalo Butte - All meals and beverages as well as alcohol after the guns have been put up -
- Sight-In Range - Transportation around the range - Access to our private shooting range
- The rate for our Long Range Precision Range Package is $925 per shooter and a 50% deposit is due upon the time of booking.
To reserve your spot or book our shooting range for your private party please contact us and we would be happy to discuss dates and availability with you.