The Golden Triangle in South Dakota

The Golden Triangle in South Dakota

What is the pheasant hunting "Golden Triangle" of South Dakota? The Golden Triangle is an area between Gregory, Winner and Chamberlain that has some of the highest pheasant populations in South Dakota. Here is the cool part. Buffalo Butte Ranch is right smack dab in the middle of it!

How do they count the pheasants in the Golden Triangle? Every year since 1949, the South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks (SD GF&P) conducted a brood count survey and the cities of Chamberlain, Winner and Pierre are typically the highest three pheasant populations in the state of South Dakota. After 2020, the South Dakota GF&P stopped doing the pheasant brood survey that has been held annually in July and August since 1949, which then turned into the "Upland Outlook". Here is a example of the 2023 SD Upland Outlook Report. Final bird number reports can be found at the South Dakota hunt survey report which they update every year. We asked around and no one seems to know how the name came about.

Why are there so many pheasants in the Golden Triangle of South Dakota? Farming practices, weather, hunting pressure, habitat management, commercial hunting and game management practices within the golden triangle are among the many reasons why hunters flock to this area to hunt pheasants. Farmers and land owners who won't manage their land for pheasants, won't have as many pheasants as the ones who farm for them. It's that simple. The South Dakota golden triangle has hundreds of commercial pheasant businesses, family farms and passionate pheasant hunters within the area, who respect pheasant hunting, which has been passed on for several generations.

South Dakota nearby Cities

South Dakota nearby Cities

Golden Triangle Cities

  • Gregory - 19 miles or 29 minutes
  • Winner - 30 miles or 39 minutes
  • Chamberlain - 48 miles or 58 minutes

Other Cities

  • Dallas - 16 miles or 34 minutes
  • Platte - 40 miles or 48 minutes
  • Mitchell - 106 miles or 56 minutes
  • Presho - 60 miles or 1 hour
  • Sioux Falls - 158 miles or 2 1/2 hours

Come join us at Buffalo Butte Ranch for a South Dakota pheasant hunt and experience the scenery west of the Missouri River in South Dakota!

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